Windows System32 config system is corrupt in Windows Server 2003

1. Insert your Windows Server 2003 CD and reboot from the CD drive [To boot from CD, go to BIOS Setup option on startup and select your CD/DVD drive as the first boot drive, save the present settings and exit] Your computer will reboot & will boot from Windows Server 2003 2. Press ‘R’ when offered the option of using the Windows Recovery Console Recovery Console will prompt at the command prompt type the following: C:\WINDOWS >cd system32\ this changes the current directory to C:\Windows\System32 ren config configold This renames the config folder to configold mkdir config this makes a new directory called config cd config changes the current directory to c:\Windows\System32\Config then type the following lines pressing enter after each one copy c:\windows\repair\system copy c:\windows\repair\software copy c:\windows\repair\sam copy c:\windows\repair\security copy c:windows\repair\default after each line it should say: 1 file copied type: exit Now Server will reboot...