
Showing posts from March, 2013


SEVOTTAM COMPLIANT COMPUTERIZED CUSTOMER CARE SYSTEM OF DEPARTMENT OF POSTS Operating Guidelines F. No. 3-35-2009/PG Standard Operating Procedure for PG Application Page 1 of 9 Introduction: The government has redefined the role of citizens and service users as stakeholders and participants instead of customers through institutionalization of the tenets of citizen centric governance in the Sevottam model. It is a model of service delivery standards based on experiments in e-governance. Sevottam is developed by The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) as a benchmark for quality service delivery (IS 15700:2005) based on the assessment-improvement model developed by Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances (DARPG). Though, as a pioneer, the Department of Posts had achieved IS 15700:2005 certification for the New Delhi GPO on 11th April, 2008 we remain committed to bring other Head Post Offices progressively to the IS 15700: 2005 certification level to realize the objecti

Recover/Repair a suspected database in SQL Server 2000 using Query

Some of we are using SQL server 2000 in our offices for database creation. In SQL server 2005 when a database is suspected we can easily recover or restore it with a query  " EXEC sp_resetstatus ‘yourDBname’; ALTER DATABASE yourDBname SET EMERGENCY DBCC checkdb(‘yourDBname’) ALTER DATABASE yourDBname SET SINGLE_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE DBCC CheckDB (‘yourDBname’, REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS) ALTER DATABASE yourDBname SET MULTI_USER " But while using SQL server 2000 this query was not properly working. Most of the database in SQL server 2000 is due to the corruption of log file. The following is an easy way for recovering/repairing  a sql server  2000 suspected database.This is 5 Step process Step 1 : This is for replacing dbname/ldf path name Run the Query using Query Analyser ( QA ) Use master Go sp_configure 'allow updates', 1 Reconfigure with override Go Step 2: execute the following script Update sysdatabases set status= 32768 where name = 'your db name'

Restore a SQL Server 2008 Database into SQL Server 2005

If you've tried to back up a database in SQL Server 2008 and then restore it into SQL Server 2005, you know that the database backups are not backward compatible. However, with SQL Server 2008 Management Studio, you can script data and schemas in SQL Server 2005 mode. This 10-Minute Solution takes you through the steps to back up the Northwind database on SQL Server 2008 and restore it to SQL Server 2005.    Transferring databases from SQL Server 2008 to SQL Server 2005 is not possible with standard backup and restore facilities. Leverage the scripting wizard in SQL Server 2008 to script data as well as schemas in SQL Server 2005 compatibility mode. Using the "Generate SQL Server Scripts" Wizard The Northwind database is no longer shipped as part of the SQL Server installation, but you can download it from . The data is scripted as INSERT statements. To create the scripts, you have to run the "Generate SQL Server Scripts" wizard, which y