Postal employee corner Android App V1.0

This is simple android app for postal employees to go through employee portal with mobile. Now on single click you can apply leave , view leave balance, download salary slip , apply for gpf withdrawal, view apar documents, apply for LTC etc ... Here user need to login with his SAP ID and PW.. this app use mobile accessibility of employee portal hence no data is stored in this app still you may consider to use this app on your own risk. Developer of this app is not responsible for this app in any aspects. Note : Though it's a free mobile app.. you may consider to donate Rs 100/- through phonepey or paytm for encouragement to developer for further development on the Mobile number mentioned below. It's just a donation and not a fee or sale price.. you may use it totally free if you don't wish to contribute for further development. Download Contact developer for downloading this app on whatsapp +91 8866984506.