You can use Keyboard and Mouse in your android phone - Click here to know how

How to Operate Android Device Using a Mouse or a Keyboard

Note: Not all Android devices support peripherals with a USB OTG cable. Some devices don't have the appropriate hardware support. Therefore, be sure to Google whether your device supports USB OTG before purchasing a USB OTG cable.

STEP 1. Firstly, connect one end of the OTG cable to your Android phone or tablet and then the other end to either a keyboard or a mouse.
STEP 2. Once detected, you will get a notification on your Android device.  Differently, an Android USB keyboard/mouse driver is not necessary in this case.
STEP 3. When the mouse is connected, a pointer would appear on the screen which you can use to scroll through pages, click on applications and do all basic things a mouse would normally do on computers.

Connect Mouse with OTG

STEP 4. When the keyboard is connected then you can use your Android device as a computer to edit and create Microsoft office documents much faster as compared to using the tablet's touch keyboard.

Android Keyboard

Now you have successfully connected a USB keyboard or mouse to your Android device. You can work on your Android far more easier and faster than ever before. Since USB OTG cable is such a magic tool, you can also use OTG to watch movies on USB disktransfer photos from digital camera to Android directly and share files between Android devices without needing a computer. Just try the USB OTG and make your digital life easier.


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